Monday, January 26, 2009

"I won. I'm the President" B. Obama

Excuse me but this isn't the middle school play ground. ‘Nanner nanner boo boo’ isn’t going to fix this country. So for the newly elected President to declare "I won. I'm the President" in response to criticism of his new policies isn’t just juvenile it’s down right scary. Where are the bipartisan workings? Where is the compromise, the hope? Am I really the only person who saw through Obama’s “charisma” and “character”?

Does Obama really think he can tell people who to listen to and who not to listen to? It was bad enough that in less than one week he overturned legislation that banned Federal money (i.e. my money and your money) to support international charities that give information and even perform abortions now he wants to tell me I cant listen to Rush Limbaugh and “get things done.” Who is he? Does he really think he is Emperor of the free world?

You ARE old politics. You are promising to hear MY voice through my republican representatives and yet you are ramming a bill through without MY input. Reach out to me through my senators and representatives. Because when you slight them, you slight ME and I am not quick to forget.

Don’t forget Mr. Obama that this is a government FOR the people and BY the people and if you aren’t careful, you don’t have to be in power any more. Reach across your political aisle and sow seeds of compromise and not discord. I refuse to be politically bullied all for the sake of your fake promise of change.

Get out of your ivory tower and come play with the rest of us. This isn’t your playground- you aren’t going to bully me out of my lunch money or tell me who I can and cannot play with. End the juvenile “I won. You lost” mentality and come back to reality- we’re waiting but we wont wait long.

Only 207 week left....

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