Monday, October 22, 2007


The gift of life is all too often a gift unappreciated; whether it's our own life that we allow to quickly slip through our hands without intervention or the lives of loved ones that we don’t appreciate until it’s too late. Perhaps though, it is the greatest tragedy to not appreciate the lives of the most innocent in our culture. To stand by idly while the innocent are devalued; their lives reduced to the word “choice” and do nothing- to stand silent and shake our heads in disbelief and walk way, never to think on it again.

Inaction- inaction is acceptance and toleration. In our culture, tolerance means to show no qualms with whom you disagree. It means to accept what your opponents say as fact and to stay silent. To utter an opposing word is not only intolerant but it is to some ignorant. I, for one, stand proud to be intolerant.

I will not tolerate the devaluation of human life and it’s most precious and sacred form. I will not tolerate those who tell me to stay silent for the ones who cannot defend themselves. I will not stand idly by and cover my mouth when I see injustice in hopes that I will be viewed as tolerant as being part of the “in” crowd that society has made. I will not comply with societal conventions that tell us not only is God not real but life isn’t valuable- it’s your choice to take it away and do with it what you want. I will not accept their lies and their false truths. It isn’t me and it never will be.

I may fall and I am imperfect but even I see the value in human life and the need to keep your mind guarded- some call it close minded. I call in intelligent thinking. One of my favorite quotes is “An open mind is a sign of an empty head”. I will think for myself and not subscribe to mob mentality. It’s not me to be a follower. I was born to be a leader. It’s just who I am.

For a touching story of life....
How to get involved in your community...

Who has the right to determine the value of a human life but God? He died for us- how can we call a child, or any life, invaluable if he was willing to die to save it?

1 comment:

amy said...

What a neat story to link to...I am with you--if God creates life (and He does), who are we to think we can take it away as a choice? One look at the three tucked snuggly in their beds upstairs and it's a no-brainer for me.